Masterclass at the Chamber of Commerce: Sustainable Finance - Mobilising Finance for Sustainable Growth in Europe
22/11/2022 18:00 to 22/11/2022 19:30 (Europe/Luxembourg)

The Chamber of Commerce and its academic institution ISEC (Institut Supérieur de l’Economie) are pleased to invite you to the Conference
'Sustainable Finance: Mobilising Finance for Sustainable Growth in Europe',
which will be held in the framework of the conference series 'The Masterclass of the Chamber of Commerce'.
Sustainable finance is the cornerstone of creating a sustainable future and mitigating climate change. The transition to sustainable finance today is driven by the principle of 'Doing Well by Doing Good', empowered by the combined forces of market and policy. The masterclass brings the most prominent speakers of these two forces together and provides exclusive insights into the challenges and the future of sustainable finance in Europe.
The Chamber of Commerce and its academic institution ISEC are honoured to welcome Dr. Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), who will give the keynote presentation. He is one of the most influential partners of the European Leaders in governments and business. His aim is inter alia to foster the European's economic strength and to shift Europe's economy towards sustainable development.
- 18:00 - Welcoming Remarks
Muriel Morbé, Director Training at Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg - 18:10 - Keynote Speech “Europe’s challenges ahead”
Dr. Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) - 19:00 - 'Sustainable Finance: Thoughts on linking Green Swans, Brown Assets with Risk Appetite'
Prof. Dr. Marcus Stutz, Adjunct Professor of Finance at Institut Supérieur de l’Economie (ISEC), Chief Risk Officer/ Member of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank Luxembourg - 19:20 - Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Gilles Reckinger, Academic Director at ISEC